Application State

Learn about the application state that is managed by Redux

Isthmus includes a central application state that is managed by Redux. You can see the store, actions, and reducers set in the linked files. Isthmus also includes the redux-logger package so you can see the output of the application state in the console. Please note it is saved as a full dependency and you can choose to save it as a development dependency if you so desire.

The application state is as follows:

You can use any of these state objects to modify the state of the application with dataviews, changing style, resetting queries, grabbing feature data to query from the SQL API, etc.

Note that changing a widget or a data view currently will note manipulate the entire application state and that Isthmus currently relies on CARTO.js dataviews and filters to modify the map data being visualized. Please spend some time familiarizing yourself with CARTO.js Dataviews and CARTO.js Filters.

Last updated